10 Items to Jazz Up Your Kitchen

10 Items to Jazz Up Your Kitchen | TINY BITS OF HAPPINESS

The kitchen is a marriage between beauty and function. Items need to serve lots of purposes, while function and quality are paramount. The accessories in the kitchen have the opportunity to add texture, beauty, character, charm, and function but most importantly, a bit of what you love.

the kitchen is a marriage between beauty and function.

I’ve always had a love for items that add character and charm and lots of beauty. There are so many opportunities in the kitchen to add in cozy layers and soften the blunt edges of cabinetry, counter tops, backsplash, and lighting. If left to nothing or only the brightly colored plastic items it can swing from super cold to super cluttered.

One thing that feels important for me to say— this isn’t a shopping list. Or a check list of items you need to check off for your kitchen. These are items to see if they spark some joy. Or make you think about your space in a new way. Figure out if you are craving something. Your space is unique to you and will reflect your soul (or your families soul). So I hope this encourages you to reflect and add a little extra beauty and function to your spaces.


Source: Pinterest//Instagram @_designtales_

Source: Pinterest//Instagram @_designtales_

1.) Utensil holder

A utensil holder can add so much to a space. The ones listed below are all easy, classic white stoneware types, but if you are craving color or any sort of vibe, this is perfect way to inject it into your space. I love pairing a utensil holder with pretty metal and wood utensils. Personal preference: anything that is plastic or super worn gets stowed away in a drawer. We all need ‘em from time to time, but reserve the utensil holder for some functional pretties that spark joy. I’m partial to the incredibly affordable easy peasy, breezy white container we have in our kitchen. It’s changed household lots of times, but it always works and it is incredibly affordable (at $10).

(2) cookbook stand

Cookbook stands allow you to showcase your interests and books that bring you joy in the kitchen (you can also showcase art with these beauties, too!) Factor your backsplash and counters to figure out what the space needs- wooden counters? Do a black, brass, or metal stand. White counters? Wood, black, brass metal, etc. etc. This is an opportunity to bring in some warmth and texture, which is always executed well with brass and wood.


(3) salt & pepper

Having a beautiful salt and pepper dish allows you to put the things you use the most in a beautiful container. Also, think for how you cook. I love a cellar for my salt (so you can grab that pinch of salt when you need it) and a pepper mill for my whole peppercorns. I love, love my salt cellar from The Food Nanny. It’s currently sold out, but make sure you check back! You do you.


(4) cutting boards & wood accents

Cutting boards and serving boards are so pretty to store out. They add warmth and coziness to the kitchen. They also keep entertaining and cooking extra breezy. Wooden spoons are my favorite for cooking. There are a variety of kinds on the market, but I love the tried and true ones I’ve had for years from IKEA.


While the goodies below are all oatmeal colored (my favorite) towels and linens are the perfect way to inject color and seasonal cheer! I love the beauty and function an apron has in a space. Hang it up, use it, and love on it.


Decanting goods in your kitchen can take a variety of forms. Most of us think about mason jars and organization containers (I chatted about those in my pantry post here) Decanting spices into uniform jars allows for easy organization and flow in the kitchen. Olive oil cruets add beauty and allow an opportunity to infuse personality and personal taste. The breadbox on our countertop is the perfect spot for the random baked goodies and keeps everything corralled and looking clean.



I love that the items that often look the best in our kitchen are also better for the environment. Purchasing large quantities of dish soap and decanting it, creating own cleaning sprays, and using biodegradable cleaning materials kicks plastic to the curb and keeps everything looking extra pretty.



One of my favorite things in our kitchen is our spoon rest (my gal pal made it for me by hand!), but it is also one of the most functional items in our kitchen as well. It saves those random messy spoons and utensils from overtaking the counters. I’ll say it again, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, this is the perfect opportunity to infuse what you love. Something modern? Something antique or vintage feeling? Handcrafted? Sleek? The opportunities are endless.


(9) ART

I absolutely love art in the kitchen. Leaning on a cook book stand. Hung up on the wall. It adds so much warmth and charm to a space that needs to serve so much function. The opportunities are endless. The only requirement- does it spark joy for you? Showcase your personality? Or feel good? Here are a few of my favorite goodies readily available for digital downloads (or ordered as a print) below!



These types of dishes and containers make messes and living life “feel good.” I love putting berries in a colander, having a pretty measuring cup, and having fruit in a good looking bowl. I’ve been eyeing this butter dish! Simple items that will last and last.

Again, I want you to think of these items not as a check list or as things that you are missing. Think of them as opportunities to add more beauty, personality, charm and soul to your kitchen. Opportunities to showcase what you love and your own personal style.

Because that’s what our homes are- collections of us.

