Tiny Bits of Happiness

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Happiness Round Up: Random Edition

Leaning into time at home has been feeling a fraction better since the sun has started to shine and the temps have been warming up. Lately, every night we’ve been sitting on our back porch, rocking in our rocking chairs and throwing the ball with Stella. Sounds idyllic? Honestly, it feels so idyllic and has been one of the greatest sources of joy lately. Our backyard is very far from what my dream backyard is, but once I allowed myself to meet her where she is, we’ve been on better terms.

sunshine, warm weather & happiness

This builds on that idea on focusing on 1% more joy but the spring/summer warm weather sunshine edition. I really have very little idea how this summer will look or what the future holds, so I’m trying to focus on small moments or things at home that feel good. Sometimes that’s enjoying what we have and I made a few small strategic purchases in the past week to help create some new experiences at home.

Earlier this week I had talked about my Joy Kit. Things that I can reach for or go-to when I need a pick me up. Unfortunately it has been something I’ve needed a lot these past few months with Corona and our Infertility ride. And I think all these things fit in because it’s how can I include things in my experience that will bring me joy? While what’s below may not exactly line up with what you love, I encourage you to think, “What do I have? What could I do to make this experience extra joyful for me?” And I love that.

Summertime Texture

The first little thing I’m gravitating towards is rattan, cane, and natural textures. I love the idea of these summery glasses and sipping. It just feels a little extra and fun. I feel like my grandmas would love these too. Bring on some charm. I have loved even little things like extra large terra-cotta pots filled with greens and herbs. I will take endless margaritas in these fancy glasses. Pottery barn has a gorgeous set and so does World Market.

Living Outside

One thing that has brought me major joy is spending time outside. We’ve been rocking in our rocking chairs and I recently scooped up worry-proof plates that will let us eat and lounge on the back porch. Sometimes it’s the little things. I found rocking chairs on Facebook Marketplace (unfortunately ours were a bit more used and worn than I had expected), but I actually really love the charm and character of these Better Homes & Gardens chairs from Walmart! I am still scouring for cozy furniture, but since we are going to be doing an exterior paint job, bigger furniture pieces will have to wait and we will find the joy right where she is right now. Like, did you know our house was crayon colored teal? While this is a bright and joyous color for some, I would love something smooth and mellow and let the landscaping bring the color.

Comfiness but Sunshine-ness

I recently pulled the trigger on this $25 Amazon House Dress and I can’t get over how good it is. Immediately after it arrived in the mail I tried it on and ordered two more (including this blue on to the right). The dress is very oversized, but it’s supposed to be. You know what’s funny? For the past ten years I have decided that yellow wasn’t the color for me. I didn’t vibe with it and I avoided it, but then I realized yellow is for me. I love the depth of this goldenrod color and it makes me so happy. I want to sip porch margaritas in this dress.

Signs of Life

My spirits have been so lifted lately by random bouquets of flowers I’ve scooped up from the grocery store- my daily viewings of my lavender and potted herbs have been bringing me some serious joy. And while mature landscaping feels far away, pots that can be put out and put back each season have felt like the perfect compromise. The next time you are at the grocery store, snag yourself a little bouquet of flowers or herbs that come in soil and plant them in a pot. It will be a small gift that keeps on giving.

And that’s it. Simple things. Things from the earth. Things that feel like sunshine. Things that make me smile. And how I can infuse new energy in our spaces we already have. I’d love to know what is giving you energy and sunshine these days?



My Favorites

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